
De naam b-insynq heeft eigenlijk alles in zich. Het zegt, zorg dat je in verbinding, of ook wel gesynchroniseerd bent met je omgeving. Een kwaliteit die niet vanzelfsprekend is in een wereld met de dynamiek van de 21ste eeuw en die zwaar drukt op gevoelens van veiligheid en zekerheid. Gelet op de feiten dat we meer uitval door ziekte hebben ondanks de sterk verbeterde medische zorg en ons hoge welvaartspeil, geeft al aan dat er iets niet helemaal goed gaat. Managementtechnisch zijn alignment en synchronisatie een eenheid. Wijlen Steven Covey onderbouwde dit gegeven al in zijn fameuze boek “De 7 eigenschappen van effectief leiderschap”. Wij zijn er van overtuigd dat de 8ste eigenschap alles met synchroniciteit te maken heeft. Daarin hebben wij ons laten inspireren door voormalig advocaat en internationaal counseler van CEO’s, Joseph Jaworski en vele anderen. Synchroniciteit is een universeel en tijdloos kwantumfysisch principe, dat eenmaal in werking, toevalligheden laat ontstaan die voorbij ons voorstellingsvermogen gaan. Alle vormen van succes zijn geschraagd op dit principe. Er liggen verrassend eenvoudige randvoorwaarden aan de basis om die staat te bereiken. Wij weten hoe. 



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About b-insynq



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b-insynq’s is a white raven in the world of advice and consultancy. Our credentials are the proof of this bold statement. Both in strategic organizational development as well as in the Sport World we have proven results since 1996 with our specific approach. Better, they are sustainable for they reach the core of what’s important.
Our feed of arms are extensive and distinctive. Our approach consists of old universal laws combined with modern scientific insights that make success predictable. We have the know how to really achieve such and this cocktail of (timeless) information we are happy to share with you. We promise you to be astonished about the simplicity, for there are no complex things in life. People make things complex… The more linear (mathematic) we become the more we seem to forget what life and managing success is all about and how the human mindset and behaviour can contribute to that.


We will co-create with our clients to grow to a higher state of mind to be able to become more productive in this very turbulent 21 first century environment.
One of the most important elements in our approach is that people learn how to deal with (time-target) pressure. In this era, “self-management” is key to survive. This we do not learn at school! To be able to Peak (Performance) on the right time is essential, for we have so many things on our mind: socially, privately and business wise.


The how is as simple as can be. It is our intention to support our clients to reach their strategic objectives. And therefore this we share our knowledge. Our goal is to be the contributing partner to your success, no matter how you define success.


Robert Portielje: “I strongly believe that this intention pulled me through my career in Corporates and it still does with my clients. One of the key insights of the last ten years is that today’s managers cannot do without People Management Skills, they are not just an academic theme, they are mandatory in today’s highly competitive and stressful world. Employees need Role Models and leadership to emulate.


All activities of b-insynq are focused on five (5) main objectives:

1. Achieving the organizational strategic objectives.

2. Developing and equipping management with the right (People management) skills.

3. In terms of steering, support our clients to become sustainably successful.

4. Reach a higher state of mind about taking responsibility and being accountable.

5. Learn Self Management i.e. to be able to deal with all life’s’ disturbances that may influence normal functioning.


“It all seems impossible until it’s done.”

Source: Nelson Mandela